Your Complete Guide to Winter Eye Safety

Nov 17, 2022

With winter just around the corner, there are a lot of fun events and activities to get excited about. The upcoming holiday season, gatherings, and activities can take up most of your thoughts. With everything else on your mind, it can be easy to overlook eye health and safety during the winter season. Still, you should always be aware of ways to protect your eyes—especially if youre recovering from or planning to undergo eye surgery.

Winter weather and your eyes

A lack of direct sunlight in the winter can lead many to believe they are safe from harmful UV rays, but this is far from the truth. Have you ever stepped outside and had to close your eyes because of bright snow? Ice and snow can reflect the suns UV rays, leading to glare, brightness, and even photokeratitis, more commonly known as snow blindness. After an eye treatment or surgery, your eyes will be even more sensitive to the suns harmful rays. Its always important to bring along and wear 100% UV-blocking sunglasses whenever youre outside.

While the weather may be pleasant and crisp, wintery conditions and indoor heating can also cause or exacerbate dry eye. Untreated, dry eye can impact eye surgery recovery and results. To fight dryness inside, invest in a humidifier. And, if youll be spending time outside, listen to your body and minimize exposure to the dry, cold outdoors. If youre interested in finding a solution that targets the root cause, contact us about LipiFlow®, a noninvasive treatment option.

Holiday precautions

The arrival of winter also signals the beginning of the holiday season when many families will come together. You may not realize, but your kitchen is brimming with potential risks. Hot grease, sauces, and juices can splatter, get in your eye, and may cause burns. And, some foods or juices, like raw chicken, contain bacteria that can lead to an eye infection. Use a grease shield or lid on the pan, wash your hands thoroughly, and dont get too close to the stove!

Around the house, steer clear of anything that may cause a fall. This can include rugs, towels that may fall on the floor, spills, and more. Falls are one of the top causes of eye injuries in the US, with people over 60 years old being especially at risk for eye injuries after a fall.

Finally, amid all the holiday hustle and bustle, dont let friends and family distract you from your health and eyes. Before or after eye surgery, youll still need to follow your surgeons instructions—even during the holiday season. These instructions could include not wearing contacts before surgery, not smoking to ensure optimal healing and health, or abstaining from alcohol the day before your procedure. Youve invested time and money into your vision, so take an extra step to ensure your results are the best!

Book your appointment

With these tips in mind, youll enjoy a healthy and happy season! For more information, dont hesitate to call 614.939.1600 to schedule an appointment with Columbus Laser & Cataract Center. Were excited to help guide you toward lifelong, healthy vision.