Social Distancing: At-Home Eye Care and Health Tips

Mar 27, 2020

We can’t wait to see you back in our office soon for your vision and eye needs! Until then, we’ve gathered our favorite tips to help you keep your eyes healthy and safe while social distancing at home.

And remember, we are still here for you! Our staff is available during normal business hours to answer any questions as well as reschedule surgeries and appointments. We are also using FaceTime when possible to determine care. If you have an urgent eye problem, a doctor will be available, so do not hesitate to reach out.

Maintain good at-home eye care

Between harsh chemical disinfectants and digital eyestrain, there are several things you should be aware of while social distancing at home.

Stock up on all of your necessities.
You don’t want to run out of important medical supplies. So, stock up on the things you need to keep your eyes healthy. This includes any medications you take, contact solution, soap for handwashing, as well as a pair of sunglasses, and, possibly, safety goggles.

Prevent digital eyestrain.
Enjoying too much screen time or working from home can all lead to digital eyestrain. Protect against those headaches, irritating dry eye, and blurry vision by taking frequent breaks to keep your eyes in check orpurchasing an anti-glare filter online.

Be careful with cleaning products.
Daily disinfecting is important, but harsh chemicals can be dangerous if you are not being careful. Always wear appropriate eye protection, keep chemicals out of reach from kids, and never touch your eyes after using cleaning products.

Avoid touching your eyes.
Right now, it’s more important than ever that you don’t touch your eyes unnecessarily. So, cut back on eye makeup, stay indoors if allergens are making your eyes itchy, and wash your hands frequently.

Stay healthy and boost your immune system

When you’re at home, you should also take this time to practice making healthier lifestyle choices.

Eat well.
It may be tempting to load up on junk food—especially since it’s easy to find in grocery stores. But, sticking to a balanced diet is far better. Getting all your vitamins and minerals will help keep your immune system in check. So, next time you go by the grocery store, grab fresh or frozen fruits and veggies instead of chips or soda.

Maintain an active lifestyle.
Staying at home doesn’t mean that you have to be sedentary! Try online workout videos, calisthenics, or take a walk around your neighborhood—just be sure to maintain social distancing and wear sunglasses if you are out and about.

Get enough sleep.
Rest is essential for your overall health and body. Get enough sleep to minimize your stress levels, promote a stronger immune system, and feel your best.

Practice social distancing.
Whenever possible, practice healthy social distancing. Together, we can get through this difficult time and promote a united and strong Columbus community!

By following these suggestions, you can keep your eyes healthy and your immune system strong while you stay at home. For more tips and information, be sure to follow us on Facebook (@ColumbusLaserCenter) and Instagram (@ColumbusLaser). We hope to see you back in our office soon!