Why 10 Million Americans Have Chosen LASIK

Sep 2, 2020

75% of American adults wear glasses or contacts to correct refractive errors. However, while these forms of vision correction are popular, LASIK is an excellent alternative with many benefits. Read on for more information about why LASIK may be the refractive error solution you deserve!

Why 10 million Americans have chosen LASIK

During LASIK surgery, our experts reshape your cornea with state-of-the-art lasers to deliver improved vision. However, the benefits of LASIK go far beyond clear vision—there are improvements to quality of life as well! Here are several reasons why people might choose LASIK:

  • You can avoid vision-threatening contact lens issues: According to the CDC, 99% of contact lens users practice at least one contact lens hygiene habit that is linked with potentially vision-threatening infection or inflammation. After LASIK surgery, you won’t have to worry about falling asleep while wearing contacts, hopping in the shower without taking lenses out, or not replacing contacts as often as instructed.
  • You can’t “misplace” your clear vision: Have you ever lost your glasses, contact lens case, or even had a contact fall right out of your eye? Or perhaps your contact lenses were back-ordered and you couldn’t purchase new lenses quickly. With LASIK, you can enjoy improved vision 24/7 and avoid dangerous situations where you are without vision correction.
  • Your vision won’t get foggy or covered in rain: Glasses are great…until cold weather or mask-wearing fogs them up! Keep your vision clear whether you are wearing a face mask, it is raining, or it is cold outside.
  • Improved vision: For those with glasses, LASIK offers improved peripheral vision and has no minification effect (where objects seen through glasses appear smaller than in real life), a significant drawback for some glasses wearers. And, for those with astigmatism, LASIK surgery provides enhanced vision correction when compared to contact lenses.
  • LASIK is more comfortable and convenient: LASIK gives you the convenience, comfort, and confidence of naturally clear vision. You won’t have to deal with sore ears from wearing glasses, dryness from wearing contacts too long, the irritation of glare or dirty glasses, or the risk of getting a serious infection from poor contact lens hygiene.

Because not everyone is a good candidate for LASIK, our experts will assess whether this surgery is right for you. Depending on your unique eye profile, a surgery like advanced surface treatment, or AST (which offers many of the same benefits), may be a better match for your needs and health.

Affording LASIK

While LASIK requires a larger up-front cost than glasses and contacts, we do everything possible to keep this vision-improving procedure financially accessible. We proudly offer financing through CareCredit and accept both insurance and vision savings plans to make better vision an achievable goal.

Every year, Americans waste thousands of dollars on nonpermanent things, like eating out and buying makeup. In fact, the average American family spends around $3,000 annually dining out. And, a surprising survey by Groupon revealed that the average American woman spends $3,756 per year ($313 per month) on her appearance. Why not take this money and invest in yourself to improve your vision long-term? After months of social distancing and with the extra money from your tax return or stimulus check, you deserve to invest in your health and quality of life!

Is LASIK right for you? 

If you have any questions about LASIK or if you are ready to book an appointment, give us a call at Columbus Laser & Cataract Center at 614-939-1600!